Daniel Roberts
Daniel Llewellyn Roberts studied with Nigel Murray at St. Mary’s Music School and Jan Repko at the Royal Northern College of Music and the Royal College of Music. In 2011 he founded the Castalian String Quartet. Today, the quartet tours internationally, appearing in venues such as Carnegie Hall, Wigmore Hall, Paris Philharmonie, Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, Berlin Philharmonie and Vienna Konzerthaus, and is artist in residence at the University of Oxford. In 2019 they were named the Royal Philharmonic Young Artist of the Year. Daniel teaches on the Xenia International Chamber Music Course in Italy and formerly held positions at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and St Paul’s Girls’ School, London. He is most grateful to the Worshipful Company of Musicians for the loan of a violin by Giuseppe Guarneri ‘Filius Andrea’ of 1705.