Nino Gvetadze

Nino Gvetadze

Nino Gvetadze was born in Georgia. She studied piano in Tbilisi and at the conservatories in The Hague and Amsterdam. Gvetadze has achieved success in competitions, taking second prize, the press prize and the audience award at the International Franz Liszt Piano in 2008 and the Borletti-Buitoni Trust Award in 2010. She has appeared with the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, the Munich Sinfonia, Kammerakademie Potsdam and numerous other orchestras playing solo parts, and has given recitals at such venues as Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, the Lucerne Piano Festival, the Spoleto Festival and Tokyo’s Bunka Kaikan hall. Nino Gvetadze has released four CDs that have received enormous praise in international publications in the field. Artist's/Ensemble's own website