Oskari Eirola


Oskari Eirola

Oskari Eirola began playing the violin when he was four. His teacher was Jouko Halviala, who, if necessary, was quite prepared to crawl about under the table with his pupil. Later Eirola studied at the conservatory and University of Applied Sciences in Turku, the Royal Swedish Academy of Music and the Sibelius Academy, where he was taught by Tero Latvala, Jyrki Lasonpalo, Janne Malmivaara, Jukka Merjanen, Araik Resjan, Alexander Vinnitski and Cecilia Zilliacus. Chamber music is important to Eirola in fact, he delights in it. He helped form the Nome Quartet, based in Helsinki, and also regularly appears with other ensembles. Important teachers of chamber music have included Marko Ylönen, Antti Tikkanen and Erkki Lahesmaa.
