Rebecca Roozeman

Rebecca Roozeman

Rebecca Roozeman (b. 2001) started playing the violin at the Espoo Music Institute with Grazyna Gebert in the fall of 2007. During 2015-2020, she studied at the Sibelius Academy Youth Department with Pekka Kauppinen.

Rebecca has been a prizewinner in several competitions. She took first prizes in the International Young Musician Competition in Tallinn in 2011 and in the International Leonid Kogan Violin Competition in Brussels in the Spring of 2018. In 2019, she took the first prize in the Jyväskylä National Violin Competition in Finland. Rebecca is first violinist of the Seele String Quartet, and together the four young musicians won the Erkki Melartin Chamber Music Competition while also getting the 2nd prize in the Rising Star Competition in Berlin.
Most of Finland’s professional orchestras have had Rebecca as their soloist. These include Tapiola Sinfonietta, Radio Symphony Orchestra, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, Kuopio City Orchestra, Central Ostrobothnia Chamber Orchestra, Vaasa City Orchestra and Finnish Chamber Orchestra. She has collaborated with several renowned conductors, such as Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Jorma Panula, Dalia Stasevska, Valentin Uryupin and Mihhail Gerts. Soloist tours and chamber music concerts have taken Rebecca to different parts of the world, such as Italy, Nagorno-Karabakh, China, Lithuania, Germany, Estonia, Holland, and England.

Rebecca has actively participated in masterclasses around the world, including the Kronberg Academy Violin masterclass and the Menuhin Academy masterclass in Gstaad, where she worked with Ana Chumachenco. Other influential mentors include Mihaela Martin, Mikhail Kopelman, Jean-Jacques Kantorow, Gerhard Schulz, Alexander Vinitsky, Pavel Vernikov and Vadim Gluzman.
In the summer of 2018, Rebecca entered the prestigious international Seiji Ozawa Academy, playing concerts with the top-level masterclass students in Switzerland, France, and Japan.

In autumn 2022, violin star Renaud Capuçon invited Rebecca to perform with him in various chamber music ensembles in France.
Since 2020, Rebecca has been pursuing her bachelor’s degree in music at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater München under Mi-Kyung Lee. Rebecca has been a Yehudi Menuh Live Music Now Munich scholarship holder since the spring of 2023.

Rebecca plays a 1702 Stradivarius violin (“The Irish”) kindly on loan from the OP Art Foundation.