Roberto Prosseda

Roberto Prosseda

In 2014 pianist Roberto Prosseda finished his recording project covering the complete piano works of Mendelssohn, bringing to light pieces by that composer that were previously unknown. On stage Prosseda has played with the most acclaimed orchestras all over the world. He is considered to be a leading interpreter of Mendelssohn, though his accounts of the music of Mozart, Schubert, Schumann and Chopin have also earned him praise. Prosseda also frequently performs Italian music and has made complete recordings of the piano works of Petrassi and Dallapiccola. In 2011 Prosseda made his debut as a player of the pedal piano and presented the first modern-day performance of Gounod’s concerto for that instrument. He has rediscovered original compositions for the pedal piano by Schumann, Liszt and Alkan, and several composers, including Ennio Morricone, have also written completely new music for the instrument and for him.