The Kuhmo Music Society was founded in 1966 to further interest in music in Kuhmo and to promote national and international musical activities by, among other things, arranging concerts and other musical and training events of a high standard.

In order to carry out its mission, the Society has been arranging concerts in winter since the year it was founded. In summer 1970 it launched the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival and Kuhmo Music Courses, and in 1998 a series of Kuhmo international chamber music competitions.

Over the years the Society has, among other things, provided tuition for talented young violinists at the Kuhmo Violin School (1987−92), held master classes for pianists, viola players and chamber ensembles (1993−94) and a Young Music event for gifted young artists (1994−97).

The Eila Sofia Kemppainen Fund was set up on receipt of a bequest in 1990. It distributes grants for the promotion of musical life in Kuhmo or Kainuu and/or a scholarship for a gifted young Finn or a young music student or an artist from Russia.

The Kuhmo Music Society at present has 188 members and warmly welcomes any new members. Members of the Society

  • receive regular information about the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival and other Society activities,
  • are entitled to book tickets for Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival concerts before the official booking begins,
  • can purchase weekly season tickets for Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival concerts at reduced rates, and
  • get the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival programme book free of charge in July.

The chairperson of the board is Matti-Jussi Pollari and the members of the board are Minna Blom, Hannu Huotari, Elisa Kerola, Jarmo Kokkonen, Pekka Mikkola and Outi Pollari; deputy members are Hilkka Komulainen and Janne Mattila.

JOIN Kuhmo Music Society

New members are most welcome to join the friends of the Kuhmo Music Society! Please fill in your details below and send  them to us. We shall send you information about the payment by email.

I want to join the Patrons’ Association of the Kuhmo Music Society:
Annual fee €25