The Patrons´ Association of the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival was founded in 1976 to support the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival and the music courses held in conjunction with it. The Association has 1,210 members.
The Association has, among other things, purchased music and instruments for the use of the Festival, provided financial assistance for the Festival and music courses and arranged Kuhmo concerts and mini-festivals in Finland and abroad in order to make the Kuhmo Festival known. It has also helped talented young musicians by awarding scholarships and lending instruments.
The office of the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival at Kuhmo is on the Association’s premises. The Patrons’ Association is also the owner of the Chamber Music Centre in the heart of Kuhmo used during the Festival as a café and restaurant.
The chairperson of the Association is Eila Valtanen and the board members are Mauri Huotari, Veikko Huovinen, Pauli Hänninen, Matti Kähkönen, Erkki KM Leppävuori and Matti-Jussi Pollari. The following persons are honorary members: Aulis Sallinen, Seppo Mervola, Seppo Kimanen and Yoshiko Arai.
Maybe you, too, would like to join the Association. As a member of the Patrons´ Association you
- recieve advance information about the programmes and sale of tickets for the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival and other related events
- are entitled to book tickets for Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival concerts before the official booking begins
- are entitled to weekly season tickets at special member rates
- are entitled to get free of charge the programme book of the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival in July.
The Association membership fees are as follows:
Regular members (private persons):
- annual fee EUR 35
- life membership fee EUR 350.
Passive members (organisations):
- annual passive membership fee EUR 350
- life passive membership fee EUR 1,200.
For further information on the Patrons´ Association please contact the Kuhmo Office of the Chamber Music Festival. New members are most welcome to join the friends of the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival!
General Meeting
The Board of the Patrons’ Association of the Kuhmo Chamber Music invites all members to the General Meeting to be held on 28th March 2025 at 10 am in the Amati Café (address: Kontionkatu 22, Kuhmo).
New members are most welcome to join the friends of the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival! Please fill in your details below and send them to us. We shall send you information about the payment by email.
I want to join the Patrons’ Association of the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival:
annual fee €30 or life membership fee €300.