Yuval Gotlibovich

Yuval Gotlibovich

Yuval Gotlibovich has won several international competitions, including the Lionel Tertis International Viola Competition, the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition in the USA, and the Spring Composition Competition in Israel. A sought-after player, composer and teacher, he is known internationally and has recorded for Sony, Verso and XXI. His compositions have been performed at the music festivals in Kuhmo and Holstebro and at the Musica en Segura festival, as well as in several concert series and at film festivals. This year in Spain the film La Gran Ilusión has its first showing, for which Gotlibovich’s composed the music. Yuval Gotlibovich was professor at Indiana University from 2004 to 2008 (the youngest professor on record there) and has also taught at the Jacobs School of Music. At present he is professor at the Italian-speaking Swiss Conservatory in Lugano and he also teaches at the Queen Sofía College of Music in Madrid.
